An intervention is the initial step towards handling the situation of a loved one, close relative or family member. Interventions are the most popular techniques used to address an issue someone may be consistently suffering with; whether that be addiction, a tragic crisis or any other type of serious problem.
If you are enquiring about how to conduct a family drug intervention, we’ve put together a list of ten top tips that will help lead to a successful intervention.
1. Private setting
Where you hold an intervention is essential in leading to its success. If possible, always try to obtain a private and preferably spacious setting when conducting the intervention. Sufficient space with little to no passer-by’s is necessary when confidential and personal information is being spoken freely among trusted friends, family and loved ones.
2. Choosing the right people
Putting together a formidable roster for your invention doesn’t always mean the more people involved the better. Choosing the right people for your invention should be based on how helpful they can be. Focus on what and how they can contribute to achieve the goal of receiving professional medical care for those affected.
3. Script
On average, an intervention usually lasts between 45 minutes to an hour. A great deal of information is often covered throughout an intervention including individual experiences and behavioural patterns. Devising a script will help the intervention to continue swiftly and keep those involved on track. All parties involved should adhere to the script’s structure.
4. Handling reactions
Various reactions from encountering an intervention situation can often lead to unpredictable behaviour and/or responses. These may include yelling, screaming, crying and expressions of anger being exhibited. In situations such as these, the need for subjective understanding is imperative. Mark Weber, a German sociologist, commonly refers to these types of situations throughout his work using the term, “Verstehen” which translates to ‘understanding’. By “walking a mile in their shoes”, will help you understand their situation better and give you the ability to handle their reactions/responses more appropriately.
5. Dry-Run
If possible, having a dry-run of the intervention could help contribute to a more successful outcome. Running through the overall structure and what topics will be discussed will help keep the conversation fluid whilst educating those involved on what to expect next. Previous experience of the intervention from those aiding the individual will help spur topics and at the same time, keep everyone engaged.
6. Timing
Choosing the right time to conduct the intervention is vital to its success. Preferably, attaining information as to the individuals whereabouts and daily schedule is beneficial as this will help to gauge the most practical time. Try to avoid any conflicting commitments directly after as intervention times can vary significantly and ensure others attending are scheduled to arrive with plenty of time.
7. Unanimous Front
Talking points among any intervention require each member to uphold their side of showing a unanimous front. Disagreement among those involved can lead to confusion to for the individual receiving help. If particular talking points pose issues among members, re-visit talking point being discussed altogether, or alternatively discuss whether those who disagree should be involved in the intervention.
8. Sharing experiences
Sharing your personal experiences is arguably the most powerful part of an intervention. These experiences, good or bad, need to be expressed in an honest, open and accurate manner. Often the individual is completely unaware of how their own behaviour may also be affecting those most close to them. Hearing these experiences directly provides a powerful medium; thus causing them to take action and correct their behaviour.
9. A fail safe plan
The results of an intervention may not always work out as planned and it’s important to have a fail safe plan in place. Decide among yourselves what steps need to be implemented upon the failure to comply by said individual and how each of you expect to enforce those consequences.
10. Follow up
Interventions are a great mechanism for introducing the initial steps to recovery, however it doesn’t stop there. Ensuring you follow up with the individual is paramount, especially if they decide to willingly co-operate in receiving medical help.
Receiving professional medical help
Depending on the severity of the situation, professional medical help may be required. If you’re ever in doubt as to whether your situation would constitute a medical intervention, always seek help from a medical professional who can assess and advise on individual needs. Shoreline Sober Living are medical professionals based in San Diego, California who specialise in providing sober living homes for those suffering from the alcoholism and drug usage. Don’t hesitate to contact our experts today if you are within the local vicinity and we can be of help.
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