Withdrawing from substances at home is never advised due to the severe medical complications that can potentially arise. While we can never force someone to go into a recovery centre to withdraw, we can make…
Which internal organ is affected most by alcoholism? Alcohol has become the second most widely used substance within the United States. According to the 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, approximately 86% of…
Alcohol affects individuals differently depending on a variety of factors which can include: Age Physical condition Amount of food you have consumed that day Gender Any medication you may have taken Body fat percentage Furthermore,…
Alcohol has quickly become one of America’s most commonly abused substances, with severe long-term mental and physical health issues rising due to the poisonous toxins. Moderate drinking is unlikely to cause any long terms lasting…
Alcohol addiction is not always apparent, even to fellow alcohol addicts. The disease perfectly convinces individuals that they don’t require help, making them highly skilled at hiding their tell-tale signs from loved ones and colleagues….
Urges occur when least expected but if you react quick enough your chances of avoiding these sudden cravings of alcohol can increase ten-fold. If you are recovering from alcoholism, you may find our five distractions…